Writer Says Shen Yun’s Mission to Revive Traditional Chinese Culture, ‘A Worthy Endeavor’

March 31, 2024

On Shen Yun’s opening night on March 29 in Denver, Colorado, audience members described the performance as spectacular and overwhelming.

“Absolutely spectacular. It was just amazing, top to bottom,” said Johnny Jones, director of Human Resources at Rising Higher Staffing Solutions, Inc. “The music, the performances, the dance, the way that the video screen was integrated with the actual … what was happening on stage. And I love that there was just a sense of levity and humor throughout the whole thing. That was really great.”

“Just the colorful aspect of the different outfits that they wear, uniforms that they wear. It’s amazing, it’s sort of … it’s really fresh and beautiful. It’s almost like you’re out in nature somewhere,” said Ryan Thomas.

“The color and the music, and the movements of the dancers, it just all blends together to make a, just an overwhelming kind of cultural experience,” said Barbara Neff, a freelance writer.

After the Cultural Revolution, most of China’s ancient culture was nearly lost. Shen Yun’s mission is to revive it, much of which is divinely inspired.

“It was just really interesting learning about the different aspects of Chinese culture and how it related to what was happening with communism and the government and really just tied lots of different aspects of Chinese life and culture together in a really meaningful way,” said Mr. Jones.

“It’s rarely you see a performance and they’re talking about a creator and about spirituality. They’re talking about meditation and those kinds of things. I find it very enlightening,” said Mr. Thomas.

“To revive that culture, sounds like a worthy endeavor,” said Ms. Neff.

“I hope that they’re successful and that they’re able to take this and spread it all across the globe and then also obviously find a place back in China where people can continue to see and experience the culture in a way that’s both educational and entertaining,” said Mr. Jones.

Shen Yun will be in Denver until April 3.

NTD News, Denver, Colorado