Prince Jean d’Orléans, Duke of Vendome, is the second son of Prince Henri, the Count of Paris and Duke of France, and Duchess Marie Therese of Württemberg. He is first in line to succeed the French Throne. He watched Shen Yun Performing Arts in Paris on Jan. 16, and said he was touched by the spirituality of the performance.
“I think it’s very good, we need this today. We’re too materialistic, so we need to escape a little. We need poetry and then we need this relationship, that’s it, with the sky, with the divine, and that’s it and everything we’ve seen there makes a bit of a connection between the two,” said Prince Jean d’Orléans. “And I think it’s important, man shouldn’t lose sight of where he comes from, and here we are, if you’re attached to someone who, you think they’ve had a creation, this is a divine being, I think it’s important for us to remember it.”
Since the 17th century, Paris has been one of Europe’s major centers of finance, fashion, and the arts. However, during the Paris Commune uprising, buildings were reduced to ashes and traditional culture was nearly destroyed. This same system of oppression has been employed by the CCP in its political activities since it seized power in China.
According to its program book, Shen Yun’s mission is to revitalize China’s 5,000-year-old culture and history for today’s audiences.
“I was moved to see that today, Shen Yun can do such shows,” Prince Jean d’Orléans added. “Because it is a period, in fact, we don’t talk much about the different peoples, different ethnic groups and their cultures, and, I find that it is a little contrary to what we are used to seeing and hearing today. And here we are presented with a multitude of stories, a multitude of peoples, a multitude of cultures, ethnic groups, traditional costumes, poems, particular stories on different regions of China and I find it very, very interesting and it brings a lot I find.”
“When you don’t know what your past is, it’s hard to know where you’re going,” said Prince Jean d’Orléans. “And I think that in a world that doesn’t have a reference, tradition and culture are very important. And then when you have 5,000 years of culture, it’s even stronger.”
“Because we are too busy with everyday life, here are the things that are not beautiful, and then we escape into another universe and with color, with poetry and humor, at the very opposite of what we are experiencing in daily life,” Prince Jean d’Orléans added.
NTD News, Paris, France