Shen Yun Shines in Florence

April 26, 2018

Florence, a major historical city in Italy, is distinguished as one of the most artistic centers in the Italian peninsula from the late Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

Shen Yun Performing Arts, the classical Chinese dance and music company, dazzled audiences in this cultural capital with a sold-out performance.

“I liked it very much. The scenography was fabulous: an enchanting beauty. I was truly moved by the beauty,” said Vittoria Colonna, a film director, and actress. “This spiritual thing touched  me a lot, because it also gives joy, hope, and I was questioning what it means to be a human. It reminds us that everyone has an inner beauty. Also, it reminds me that God, the idea of [God]being outside … it is already inside us.”

“I think that the sense of the divine, in any culture, comes to the people’s hearts despite the different languages and cultures,” said Maria Teresa Ricasoli Firindolfi, owner of the luxury hotel Leone Blu. “It brings a simple language that arrives directly to the heart.”

“Yes, there was true spirituality and there was the divine in a world that is so complicated and very distracted from the spirituality and the emotiveness,” said Marco Falagiani, a music composer and winner of an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film Mediterraneo in 1992. “Thank you for bringing us new starting points because it is needed in this world.”

Ancient Chinese people believed their culture was a gift from God. For thousands of years, traditional Chinese art forms such as music and dance have been integrated into people’s lives, expressed in benevolence, beauty, and other virtues.

But during the 10 years of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the communist party nearly took away all the core values of Chinese culture, demonizing them as superstition.

“It’s a message of peace, spirituality, and harmony: life should be a route to this harmony,” said Maurizio Romani, Senator, Italian Republic. “Unfortunately, we are surrounded by things that lost this harmony. We hope to find it again.”

“It is a message that is inspired by the sentiment and it makes you reflect. I think that everyone that looks into this path should see his/her own path. And to pursue not only the material but the spiritual,” Romani added.

According to its website, the Company was founded in 2006 with the mission to revive the divinely inspired culture of China. And it produces an all-new program every year.

“I have to say it is not that easy, nowadays, to find something that strikes you within. So, my biggest compliments. And it is also nice to see another tradition different from ours, which we don’t know, but it is extremely important for the world,” said Falagiani.

“The energy given by the show can be felt on the body. I have to say, I couldn’t take my eyes off of what I was seeing. Because it has a depth that is difficult to explain. It needs to be seen.”

NTD News, Florence, Italy