Taipei Audiences Praise Shen Yun’s Performance, ‘A Feast for the Soul’

May 13, 2024

Shen Yun Performing Arts tours the world with one goal: to bring audiences a glimpse into China’s 5,000 years of culture from before communism. From April 2–7, Shen Yun uplifted spirits and dazzled audience members in Taipei, Taiwan.

“After watching a performance, I feel like I could reminisce about it endlessly for a week. I really am so happy, it’s a feast for the soul,” said Shuiji Zhuang, the former director of customs at the Ministry of Finance.

Zigi Qiao, the founder of Joe’s Entertainment, said: “Absolutely stunning. It made me feel like I instantly transcended to another level, both mentally and spiritually.”

Lihua Li, the chairman of a company, said: “Their expression through dance allows us to witness the depths of their artistic portrayal. So we feel that they are truly expressing the beauty of life with sincerity, evoking a realm of exquisite grace.”

“Top-notch, I’ve never seen anything like that [backdrop] before. It’s like virtual reality, but the timing with the live actors’ performances is perfectly synchronized. I’ve never seen anything like it. Number one. The best I’ve ever seen,” said Virginia Cha, a professor at the National University of Singapore.

For many theatergoers, Shen Yun was more than just a performance. Many expressed a sense of hope after leaving the theater.

Xiaojun Liao, the producer and host of Shinjun Taiwan PLUS, said: “I think Shen Yun presents another kind of peace and hope, which is much needed amidst the current complex international situation. It offers people a ray of light and hope.”

“I feel joy from the bottom of my heart. Because I feel that every dance piece emits hope. It’s absolutely fantastic,” said Ms. Cha. “They are not only professional and extremely skillful, but you can also see that they are truly committed. They put their whole hearts into the performance. They’re not just performing, they’re putting their hearts into it.”

Audience members also voiced gratitude for being able to see Shen Yun, despite the recent earthquake in eastern Taiwan on April 3.

“Shen Yun: keep going. What you are doing is showing more people the truth, showing them that this world has love, showing them that this world needs you, and we need you, too,” said Zhaoling Li, a painter.

“It’s truly a continuous cycle of innovation and inspiration. That’s how I feel every time after watching Shen Yun,” said Ms. Liao. “You’ve done something truly remarkable, truly remarkable. Under the convergence of so much energy, what you’re doing is right, it’s right. Keep moving forward. I believe that in every corner of the world, every person supports you.”

Gulan Zuo, a graphic designer, said: “whether it’s the lighting, stage design, or sound effects, everything is flawless! Their skills, costume design, stage design, and stage effects, and other aspects, are all very impressive. It’s visually very beautiful, and is a performance of very high caliber.”

Shen Yun’s 2024 world tour will continue through May.

NTD News, Taipei, Taiwan