Shen Yun ‘Going Back to Heaven’

Shen Yun ‘Going Back to Heaven’
Caroline Kennenbeck-Hale, MD and former Ballet dancer, was impressed with the world class skill level of the dancers of Shen Yun Performing Arts when it visited Schuster Performing Arts Center in Dayton, Ohio on Jan. 30, 2019. (Chen Lei/NTD)
February 4, 2019

DAYTON, Ohio—Shen Yun Performing Arts visited Dayton Ohio at Schuster Performing Arts Center, and was met with optimistic enthusiasm from the audience as they expressed their appreciation for the diverse elements of traditional Chinese dance.

“Well, I certainly love the dancing, as a former ballet dancer myself,” said Caroline Kennenbeck-Hale, MD. “I enjoy the ballet here in Dayton. We have the second oldest American ballet company. I danced with San Francisco ballet, the oldest company in America. This dancing here was fabulous, the choreography was beautiful. I’ve been a fan of dance my entire life, it was spectacular.”

Kennenbeck-Hale was particularly impressed with the skill level of the dancers, but enjoyed all aspects of the performance.

“I thought it was first class and synchronized beautiful the musicality was excellent, It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” she said.

“The level of performance, and in ballet it’s always exciting to watch the male dancers, with their athleticism, and this is on a world-class level,” said Kennenbeck-Hale.

History and Culture

Larry Bergeron, CEO and Founder of A Child’s Hope International charity, said he believes everyone should come and see Shen Yun.

“Very professionally done,” said Bergeron. “It was elegant. Very well performed. The music was stunning, and the choreography was very moving. It told the story in a very good fashion.”

“The last dance was very moving and very telling of the Chinese culture,” he said. “Their sense of a Creator being, it kind of spoke to me a little bit, in a different way.”

Larry’s wife Elizabeth was also enthused with the quality and historical elements of the performance.

“The performance was amazing,” said Elizabeth. “I think the storyline just tells so much history. Very enlightening and very interesting to know the story behind everything. Goes back so many years, thousands of years.”

Back to Heaven

The storytelling throughout the performance incorporated uplifting messages that moved theatergoers and exemplified Shen Yun’s mission to revive traditional Chinese culture.

“The cultures from way back when, they’re lost,” said Ken Boarman, Former Director at Defense Information Systems Agency. “And so, whenever someone gets together to bring back those cultures and really to see what the past was like. We’re tied up with so many electronics and everything else this day and time and to see something as beautiful as that that goes way way back, it was something else.”

“There was just a lot of themes that, in the end, we’re going to heaven,” said Ken’s wife Judy. “I picked up that one big.”

“It was something to the effect that we are born, we come into this world and hopefully we look forward to going back to heaven,” said Ken. “I thought that really was a bridge between all denominations and kinds of religion.”

NTD News, Dayton, Ohio