Shen Yun Dancer: Fleeing Beijing’s Persecution, Pursuing Performing Arts in the US

Flora Hua
By Flora Hua
August 28, 2024China in Focus

After escaping human rights violations in China, Hongwei Sun is pursuing his goals in the United States. He highlights the importance of preserving his Chinese heritage on the world stage, and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is extending its suppression overseas.

Hongwei Sun is a principal dancer with the New York-based company Shen Yun Performing Arts. Each year, he tours the world with the classical Chinese dance group, performing in some of the globe’s most renowned theatres.

Long before he even took his first breath, his very right to exist was deemed illegal under China’s infamous one-child policy, which was enforced from 1980 to 2016.

In an interview with NTD, Hongwei’s mother revealed the pivotal decision she made that ultimately saved her son’s life.

“At that time, I already had a son, and having a second child was forbidden, but I was already pregnant. So, what could we do?” she said. “Hiding meant risking our house being demolished and our friends and loved ones being implicated, and if we had the child, we would face heavy fines. So, my husband and I decided we couldn’t stay in China and risk losing our baby. We planned to leave, and after discussing it with my father-in-law, we decided to go to Taiwan.”

Hongwei’s grandfather was already living in Taiwan. After Hongwei’s mother arrived, Hongwei was born and registered under his grandfather’s household, making him a Taiwanese citizen.

But the family’s tribulations were far from over. Hongwei’s mother practices Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, a spiritual discipline based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance, rooted in traditional Chinese culture.

The CCP has been suppressing religious believers and faith groups since it took power. When Hongwei was six, his mother was arrested and spent seven years in prison for refusing to “convert”—a tactic used to force people to renounce their beliefs.

Her arrest further fuelled the regime’s repression of the family. Chinese authorities refused to enroll Hongwei in middle school due to his Taiwanese passport and his mother’s spiritual belief. Undeterred, Hongwei’s family sent him to Taiwan for school, where he began studying classical Chinese dance. Later, he received an offer to study at the New York-based Fei Tian Academy of the Arts, which trains artists for Shen Yun Performing Arts.

“Studying at Fei Tian is very different from my experience in mainland China. The environment here is supportive because everyone practices Falun Dafa and upholds truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance,” Hongwei said.

“Unlike in the mainland, where I was always wary, I now feel more confident and cheerful thanks to the influence of my fellow classmates.”

After years of studying classical Chinese dance, Hongwei now coaches students himself. He said he is dedicated to preserving traditional Chinese culture and raising awareness to stop the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

When talking about his experience at Shen Yun. Hongwei said, “One thing I particularly want to thank Shen Yun for is that I found my purpose in life. I believe that one’s life is not just about daily routines. You need to find out what you want to do and what you enjoy doing. I found it in Shen Yun. I feel I found my purpose in life, which is to be part of Shen Yun, to restore traditional Chinese culture, and to expose the persecution that is happening in China.”

But Hongwei added that he had witnessed and experienced transnational suppression by the Chinese regime, even on American soil.

“During our performances, they would send threatening letters to theatres, saying you should not allow Shen Yun to perform. They would sever ties, etc. Sometimes they’ve also damaged our vehicles, preventing us from performing normally,” he said. “But essentially, their evil tactics did not affect our performances, though they have caused us significant losses.”

“So it’s been quite a tough journey for us, and we want to make it clear to international audiences that the CCP is not only in China; it is infiltrating the whole world using those malicious methods,” he said.

Hongwei endured repression under the Chinese communist regime, but now he celebrates freedom, art, and culture in America. Hongwei said he has one more wish—to perform with Shen Yun inside China without fear in the future.