Shen Yun: A Message of Positivity, Goodness, and Love

February 2, 2019

Shen Yun Performing Arts successfully finished its 16 performances in Dallas. Many artists were attracted by the beauty of the performance and left with inspiration and hope.

“Beautiful. I deal with color, so I was very impressed with that. And I found that the colors were unusual, they were not what you would expect,” said former owner
of Richard Brooks Fabrics, Richard Brooks. “The way they put the colors together were highly unusual.”

“Right from the beginning all the way through, it covered aspects of all the dynasties of ancient China. It was really amazing.”

“You can enjoy and really learn from [it] at the same time,” said painter Maria Moser.

“The music mix with the dancing and the storytelling, and even the video in the background. It was really all-encompassing,” said Cheryl Brooks, the director of operations at Humat. “The choreography was incredible too.”

The Message

They were touched by the spiritual aspect of the performance, in particular, the artists’ embodiment of virtues such as compassion and kindness through the mini-drama pieces.

“The message that I read in the program about the discipline that they went through, was so evident on their performance on the stage,” added Nelson. “When I saw it performed today, I actually cried several times during the performance, because I felt that it was speaking directly to my own life.”

“The way it was directing the thoughts towards oppression, but hope and belief, and divine order,” said John Turner, the owner of John Turner Associates.

They were also inspired by the message.

“I felt such a unity of the message of positive and good, and beauty through the world. So to share with all people around the world the knowledge and the love that the creator will help us,”  Nelson said. “It made me want to go back and paint some more. It wanted me to do more of my work and give of myself the way that this performance gave to me.”

“The universality of a greater being, creator, that we all believe in, and gives us hope for our future destiny to go back to heaven,” added Turner.

“To see such wonderful, powerful dancing and music to match it. It really made me happy,” said actor Austin Brooks.

Revive Traditional Values

The traditional culture presented in Shen Yun has been systematically destroyed by the communist regime since it took power in 1949.

“The fact that it’s [still] going on today, makes me very sad,” he added. “I think one of the … beautiful messages of this artistic presentation is to also share with the world that there are people that need to be heard, and we need to help.”

Shen Yun’s mission is to traditional Chinese culture through the arts, starting with its connection to the divine.

“I think that we lose touch. We see so much around us, but we don’t really open our eyes and see the true beauty in it,” said Nelson. He emphasized that the message is very important for today. “I think we need to stop looking down at our devices and look up into each other’s faces.”

NTD News, Dallas, Texas