Philadelphia Audience Appreciates Message of ‘Kindness and Compassion’

March 8, 2019

PHILADELPHIA, Penn.—Shen Yun Performing Arts continued their mission of reviving and preserving 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture, with another sold out performance on Feb. 28 at the Merriam Theater. Audience members were appreciative of the experience and enthusiastic to share their perceptions.

“I think everybody should see it,” said Lois Dodson, a psychologist. “I think maybe that would change the world.”

“What resonates with me is their spiritual underpinnings,” she said, “… their message of kindness, their message of compassion, their message of hope, harmony.

“My opinion is we need a whole lot more of that in our world and it’s always uplifting to see a whole group of people dedicated to that message.”

Kindness and Compassion

The spiritual elements portrayed in the performance evoked a sense of harmony for Dodson.

“All faith practices throughout the world have similar stories and metaphorical allegations about how the world was created, and how we’re supposed to live our life. And again. the harmony thing … it doesn’t really matter what path we take to the creator as long as we all agree that that is the way to be … to treat one another with kindness and compassion.”

The vibrant storytelling from the highly skilled musicians and dancers was appreciated by those in attendance.

“The choreography, the execution of the dance moves, obviously the costuming, the production—everything was extraordinary,” Dodson said.

“It’s wonderful and again, we need to keep a lot of our traditions alive in generations to come, and when it has
values like that, that resonate with people, those are the ones we really need to work on and focus on,” she said.

Reviving Traditional Culture

John Betz, a Starbucks franchise owner, remarked on how enthusiastically the dancers performed and the feelings they exuded.

“Invigorated,” Betz said. “It was a passionate … It’s amazing that you would think they were doing that show for the first time.

“With that much passion, that much enthusiasm, it was amazing.”

“That’s an incredible mission,” Betz remarked. “I mean, what an undertaking to do because going back so far, it’s amazing that they did it so recently and it’s come so far. I mean, to have that many groups across the world performing the same dances, is phenomenal.”

The level of expression from the dancers and the overall production impressed Betz.

“The precision of the dancers and the colors … just magnificent, and was incredible that they could tell such a vibrant story without any words whatsoever,” Betz said.

“They just got to come and see it,” he said. “It’s an amazing show, it’s one of a kind. It was very educational for me at the same time, to understand that the acrobatic and gymnastic moves really originated in Chinese cultural dance.”

Benevolent Messages

The stories of ancient times filled with benevolent messages resonated with audience members.

“Well I think it was an enlightening part to the dance, and the people around me in the audience seemed to respond well to the to the higher level of stories that we heard,” said Darryl Tubbs, CTO of Mortgage Services.

“I feel that we saw something beautiful and I feel that brings all of us of any age closer to our roots, and helps to share a culture that we hadn’t experienced before,” he said.

The importance of Shen Yun’s mission had Tubbs approval.

“I think keeping culture in any of our nations, it should be a high priority and they’ve done a very good job here,” he said.

“My family and I both all had a wonderful time, so I would encourage people to take the opportunity to come out to the show.”

NTD News, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania