‘Elegant and Powerful’ Shen Yun Starts 2023 France Tour in Lyon

February 18, 2023

Shen Yun took to the stage for eight performances in Lyon, France as the tour’s first stop in the country. Audience members expressed their excitement after seeing the show—held from Feb. 4 to 9.

“It’s sublime, sublime, you feel good, you feel Zen. It’s spirituality, it’s great,” said Patrice Garat, an Aerospace Nuclear Boiler Specialist.

“I found something magnificent that crescendoed from scene to scene, with extraordinary costumes and really perfection in terms of synchronization,” said Bernard Falatik, who is the chairman of an employment association. “The orchestra, the soloists. Superb! I found that magnificent; it’s happiness.”

“It’s marvelous. Frankly, we have no words. I did not expect that, but frankly we are in the country of wonders. It is really fabulous,” said Jean Yves Berthaux, a professional painter. “The decorations and everything, it’s extraordinary.”

“It’s elegant, it’s very powerful too,” said Charles Brossier, a wine export director.

“It’s very eclectic, we see a little of everything, all the imagery. So it’s really beautiful. A very good moment for the evening,” Brossier added.

Michèle Boiron, a board member of a pharmaceutical group, bought 12 seats for her families and friends, aged from 14 to 80 years old. “Everyone loved the show,” she said.

Shen Yun aims to portray China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture through music and dance.

“Through the music, through the dance, there is an elevation of the soul towards the divine,” Mr. Falatik said.

“It was absolutely sublime with the final backdrop, I suppose it was Buddha who was in the background with the rainbow around. It was great,” Falatik added. “And little by little, I got very emotional and I must admit that at the end, I was almost in tears. And it’s this beautiful elevation.”

“There is a connection with God, or the spirits, and so. And you feel it in you. Yes, it’s true, it’s interesting, it raises the man and the soul,” Mr. Brossier said.

Audience members said they felt inspired by Shen Yun.

“A lot of emotions, so many emotions, I even shed a tear at one point,” Mr. Berthaux said.

“If everyone could see this show, people would be much better, it would be so much better. Peace [and] love.”

“In today’s world, if you don’t have a little bit of spirituality and humanity, then you’re not in the game. And this is what’s happening right now, and it’s actually very difficult. You have to keep a little bit of humanity and be benevolent. And [Shen Yun] showed that,” Mr. Brossier said.

“[It’s a] reflection on what’s going on. The world today, as I said earlier, is crazy. There, right now with this, there is youth, it’s rejuvenating, it’s good, it’s wonderful.” Mr. Garat said.

“I recommend it to everyone. Great show! Bravo!” he added.

Shen Yun is performing in Paris, and is scheduled to arrive in Nantes and Tours in the coming weeks.

NTD News, Lyon, France