Vanessa Spencer, the owner and principal of a dance school, watched Shen Yun Performing Arts for the first time at the International Convention Centre(ICC) in Birmingham on Jan. 13.
“They must have worked so so many hours for all the nuance of skill that they have.”
“The costume extends all the arm-lines, everything that they do, so that movement that comes right from the center of them just extends and extends from there,” said Spencer, a principal of Wigston School of Dance. “It creates such beautiful patterns and vibrancy of color.”
Shen Yun performers are reviving China’s tradition and draw inspiration from the spiritual practice of Falun Dafa, according to the show’s program book. “They meditate together, study teachings together and strive to live by truth, compassion, and tolerance,” it says.
“All their movements and their discipline came from within. It wasn’t something that just glossy and surfaced at all,” she said. “Their attention to detail and every nuance of movement, their eyes, their hold of the head—every tiny aspect of their fingers and arm-lines—it really all comes from within. It’s just wonderful.”
She felt the singers were speaking to her soul when they were performing.
“I thought the content of it was very touching,” Spencer said.
“The meaning of the words it touches you, particularly in everyday society now,” she said. “Hopefully, I should be able to take something back to my little dancers.”
NTD News, London