Shen Yun Performing Arts arrived in Dallas for some of its first performances on the New Year—welcoming audiences there from Jan. 3 to 5. The company highlights the beauty of traditional Chinese culture. And attendees say they were deeply impressed by Shen Yun’s artistry.
“I was just amazed at the dancing. I thought the men were so powerful and so strong. The women were so elegant. Was very fluid. The costumes were amazing,” said Pamela Seal, a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader.
“Beauty, I think it was spectacular and inspiring and joyful and I’m just in a happy place,” said Trisha Ravalico, the director of a health care company.
“And I enjoyed all the customs and some of the symbolism that I saw within the show. It was really good culture,” said Jerrol Higgins, a business owner. “I enjoyed the music, I love the colors and all of the pageantry was beautiful. Very nice of the culture of China.”
“It’s a grace. And the interaction with the audience, body, the audience, and what’s behind—the background. I’ve never seen anything like that,” said Richard Reeve, the senior vice president of a financial company.
Shen Yun says its artists perform with a mission: to revive, through classical Chinese dance and music, 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture from before communism.
“Absolutely fantastic. And I’m very happy to hear because culture and heritage is so important for us to know the history of the country,” said Lavanya Vishwanatha, the director of a health care company. “And I know due to the communism and all, a lot of it was suppressed; but I’m very, very proud to see that someone is reviving it.”
“I think it’s spectacular. It’s unfortunate that some of it is not able to be shared in China itself, but appreciate the sharing it to other parts of the world,” said Mark Canada, a company partner.
“I think it’s wonderful that they are bringing their traditional beliefs, everything that happened before communism happened, I think that it’s great that they’re getting the message out who the Chinese people really are in their heart. I think it’s a wonderful mission,” said Seal.
“Come and watch Shen Yun. It’s beautiful. You feel the love and the performance is exhilarating,” said Dena Palmer, a director of a health care company.
“It was an enlightening story that made me want to just jump on board with it and come back and see it again,” said Phillip Casavant, a police lieutenant.
“I would recommend anyone to come see the show. I think you will have a wonderful experience, not only in terms of artistry, but also to listen to the history, the culture and the current political situation,” said Jamboor Vishwanatha, a university professor.
Shen Yun will perform at the Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley, California, from Jan. 10 to 12.
NTD News, Dallas, Texas.
NTD News is a proud media sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts