Panel on WHO and ‘World War Xi’

NTD Video
By NTD Video
February 27, 2024NTD Live
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The Sovereignty Coalition teams up with the American Freedom Alliance to offer a breakout session on Feb. 22 at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), entitled “World War Xi” and featuring experts.

Reggie Littlejohn, co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and president of the Anti-Globalist Alliance, stated: “We are living in a globalist coup, effectuated by an international elite determined to enslave humanity to its own advantage. The Chinese Communist Party is waging ‘unrestricted warfare’ against the United States and the world, in significant part, through the World Health Organization. The only solution is for the United States to defund and withdraw from the WHO.”

Speakers include Reggie Littlejohn, Gordon Chang, Frank Gaffney, Brian Kennedy, Bill Walton, Bradley Thayer, John Mills, and Steve Coughlin.