How Deeply Has Communist China Infiltrated America’s Institutions?

New York politics was shaken this month when a former senior aide to Gov. Kathy Hochul, along with her husband, were arrested on federal charges, suspected of spying for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This is not an isolated incident. There are ongoing investigations into the ties between the office of the mayor of New York City and China. And last year, Chinese police were caught setting up shop in the Big Apple. Where does it stop? Just how vast is the infiltration of the CCP into our country?

The CCP is influencing our politicians in Washington; it’s in our school’s Confucius Institutes; it’s in our electrical grid and entertainment apps. It’s involved in making our products. Everywhere we turn, the CCP is present.

Our guests Joshua Philipp, host of The Epoch Times’ “Crossroads;” Jason Ho, inventor and chief technology officer of Teklium Inc.; and Jimmy Quinn, national security correspondent with National Review, join us to discuss how the CCP infiltrates our system, the damage it causes, and what can be done.