Wuhan Residents Remember Coronavirus ‘Whistleblower’ Doctor a Year After His Death

By Reuters
February 6, 2021COVID-19
Wuhan Residents Remember Coronavirus ‘Whistleblower’ Doctor a Year After His Death
A memorial for Dr. Li Wenliang, who was a whistleblower of the CCP virus that originated in Wuhan, China, and caused the doctor’s death in that city, pictured outside the UCLA campus in Westwood, Calif., on Feb. 15, 2020. (Mark Ralston/AFP via Getty Images)

WUHAN, China—A year after his death from COVID-19, residents in the Chinese city of Wuhan say they remain grateful to the “whistleblower” doctor who first sounded the alarm about the outbreak before the authorities officially admitted to the second outbreak of a SARS virus.

Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at a hospital in the city, became one of the most visible figures in the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan when he tried to sound the alarm about its appearance but was reprimanded by the police for “spreading rumours.”

The 34-year-old’s death from the virus on Feb. 7 led to an outpouring of public mourning and rare expressions of anger online.

Several days later, Zhong Nanshan, a renowned epidemiologist, shed tears for Li in an interview with Reuters calling him a “hero of China.”

But when Chinese leader Xi Jinping honoured the “heroes” of the “people’s war” against the virus in September, there was no mention of Li’s contribution.

While people on the streets around Li’s hospital say life in the city has mostly returned to its usual rhythm, they still revere Li for his actions.

As Reuters journalists visited the area around the hospital on Saturday, they were followed by two men in plainclothes who identified themselves as “hospital parking security,” and local guards blocked a cameraman from filming the hospital entrance.

“He was the first to tell us about the virus,” said Li Pan, 24, who owns an online store.

“He must have considered the impact would be huge, but he still raised the alarm. That was really brave,” Li said.

Ji Penghui, a 34-year-old designer, said he heard about Li’s warning in the early days and rushed to stock up on masks before the officials spoke openly about the virus.

“The public strongly acknowledges him, and personally, I think he should receive more official honours, rather than being treated as what he did is already in the past” Ji said.

Ji said he thinks the government made mistakes in the early stages, but it has handled it well since. Others are still disappointed by the one-party government’s approach to managing the pandemic.

A World Health Organization team is currently in Wuhan researching the early stages of the outbreak, and is preparing to present its findings, team member Dominic Dwyer told Reuters on Friday.

The team visited the sprawling Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, thought to be where the virus first became an outbreak, which led to a pandemic that has infected over 105 million people and killed nearly 3 million worldwide.

The market site has been shut to the public since the beginning of last year.

Investigations into the origins of the virus remain hampered by the Chinese Communist Party’s PR and political concerns. Some Chinese diplomats and state media have thrown support behind theories that the virus potentially originated in another country, leading to a highly politicized situation.

While 80-year-old Qian Wende said he does not know where the virus came from, he regards Li as a hero.

“We should be commemorating his contribution to fighting the pandemic,” he said.

By David Kirton. The Epoch Times contributed to this report.