Woman, 2 Children Spotted on Second-Floor Ledge—Police Response Captured on Bodycam

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
May 24, 2018US News

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Police officers from Delray Beach, Florida responded to multiple calls of a woman putting her two young children in danger. The incident was captured on bodycam.

The 23-year-old woman was holding a shirtless 3-year-old girl wearing leggings and a 1-year-old boy wearing only diapers on a narrow ledge of the second floor of a townhouse, which was about 15 to 20 feet above the ground, according to a police statement.

When officers arrived, around 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 19, they noticed the woman — who was not identified — acting erratically and refusing to listen to their commands.

Two officers quickly positioned themselves under the rain-soaked ledge, ready to catch anyone who fell.

“Just get the kids back inside,” one officer could be heard saying in the footage, which was released on Wednesday, May 23.

“Please. Please. That’s all we want you to do.”

Another two officers arrived around the same time. They proceeded to go into the townhouse and climbed out a window onto the ledge.

One of the officers held onto the arms of the frightened children while the other tried to reason with their mother who appeared “agitated and seemingly paranoid.”

“I want to see your badge,” the mother demanded, to which one of the officers complied.

“Are you a sergeant?” she asked. “No, it doesn’t say sergeant.”

She started resisting the officer and repeatedly screamed “point blank, body avenger.”

Officers then separated the children from their mother and carried them back through a window to waiting officers. The mother was eventually rescued from the ledge and was committed to a mental health facility, according to police. She may face criminal charges once released.

Police said the Department of Children and Families is conducting an investigation and has taken custody of the children.


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