Teen Wanted for Shooting People in Car Caught After Second Police Chase

Colin Fredericson
By Colin Fredericson
April 7, 2018US News
Teen Wanted for Shooting People in Car Caught After Second Police Chase
Glenview Park in Memphis, Tennessee, where a police chase ended with the arrest of a teen wanted for murder. (Screenshot via Google Maps)

A 19-year-old was arrested in Memphis, Tennessee for shooting two people in a car and killing one. He told investigators he shot them because they followed his car for several blocks.

On April 5 Jaelen Bell led police on a chase before he jumped out of a stolen car and ran. Police caught up with him and an accomplice, Kurterreon Wilson. While at the homicide bureau Bell admitted to the March 28 shooting, Fox 13 reported.

That’s the day police found Christopher Smith dead and his passenger shot in the leg. Court records say on-scene evidence pointed to Bell as the suspect, according to Fox 13.

Police were unable to locate Bell until an April 3, 911 call about a stolen Chrysler led police on a hunt. While searching, they found Bell and Wilson in a stolen Volkswagen Passat. Police were unable to catch up to that vehicle, and called off the chase, WREG reported.

Police later found them in the stolen Chrysler that same day. Again a chase ensued. This time police were successful in keeping up with the vehicle. Bell jumped out of the Chrysler near a local park. Bell and Wilson were taken into custody, according to WREG.

Several months earlier Bell was arrested after a video of teens parading through a mall while pulling out guns went viral. Four teens were pursued in connection with the Nov. 18 Facebook Live video, according to WREG. The video is 39 minutes long. The teen who filmed the video appears to be present in the cover photo of Bell’s Facebook page. Charges were eventually dismissed due to a problem affidavit, Fox 13 reported.

It appears Bell hasn’t publicly posted on his Facebook page since March 5, 2017. One photo appears to show him holding some kind of large gun. Other photos show him flashing huge rolls of cash. His page also says that his nickname is “Squid.”


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