Stop and Think Before Engaging With Code Requests to Avoid ‘MFA Fatigue Attack’ Info Breaches: Cybersecurity Expert

An increasing number of consumers are being bombarded with texts or other notifications asking them for a code to help them log into their bank account or other online portal. Specifically, the attacks occur when the consumer didn’t actually try to login. That’s often because hackers are trying to get into their account, a phenomenon known as a multi-factor authentication fatigue attack.

NTD speaks to Greg Schaffer, a cybersecurity expert and the owner of vCISO Services LLC. He says that one way consumers can prevent themselves from becoming a victim of such attacks is to stop and think before responding to notifications asking for codes to help them log in. He says if they haven’t tried to log in recently, they should do your research first, rather than give their authentication code away to criminals.

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