SAN JOSE, Calif.—WSJ Bestselling author and executive coach John Baird was amazed by Shen Yun’s beauty after attending its evening show with his wife Susane on Dec. 29, at the Center for the Performing Arts.
“I thought it was magical and I loved the costumes,” he said. “I liked the stories, which give you a little sense of China and its history. I think the dancers were phenomenal—very athletic and very well-trained.”
Mr. Baird also enjoyed Shen Yun’s innovative backdrop. The patented technology flawlessly blends interaction between the 3D projection and the performers on stage.
“I loved what they did with the digital art, in which the characters just merged right into the background. It was seamless,” he said. “I liked seeing the traditional culture play out in dance and music. It was really nice to see all of that come alive.”
Shen Yun Performing Arts was founded by a group of leading Chinese artists who had fled the persecution of China’s ruling communist party. In the decades since the regime’s violent takeover, Chinese traditional culture was forced to the brink of destruction.
Now in the safety of America, these New York-based artists are determined to bring China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture back to life and share with everyone the beauty before communism.
Referring to Shen Yun’s mission to bring awareness to human rights issues in modern-day China, Mr. Baird said, “It’s so important.”
“It was really hard to witness and experience because, in [America,] we’ve gone through so much with the revolution and the Civil War for the freedom of the people,” he expressed.
Shen Yun is “playing out the importance of renewal—in spirituality and freedom of choice. It is a contrast to [modern-day] China and shows the importance of people having opportunity for freedom and choice.”
Also in the audience were Beatriz Fernandez, a financial representative, and Joe Hunt, a programmer. This was their second time watching Shen Yun and Mr. Hunt said, “It was a beautiful production.”
Ms. Fernandez was deeply moved by the beautiful spiritual message the show presented.
“We are part of the divine and we should love each other and [cherish] our freedom. I’m very happy to watch this again. I loved it. They did a wonderful job,” she stated.
“Shen Yun’s message for the world is that there is more beyond us, more above. We don’t see it but we can feel it—see it with our hearts. The [divine Creator] wants us to be free because we are more than just this body.”
After watching Shen Yun’s depiction of innocent people suffering at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, Ms. Fernandez said it really goes to show that “we’re just hurting ourselves when we don’t go by the principles of human beings that are given to us by the divine.”
She will be recommending Shen Yun to her family members because “there are messages to learn from the production. Everything they do is so professional and beautiful.”
Reporting by Nan Shu, Lily Yu, and Jennifer Tseng.
From The Epoch Times