Artists from Shen Yun Performing Arts arrived at Marseille International Airport in France on Tuesday. They were greeted by enthusiastic fans, who welcomed them with flowers and cheerful exclamations of “Welcome Shen Yun, welcome to France!”
Bella Fan, a principal dancer said, “I’m very excited. We’ve been rehearsing and now we’re about to go on tour again. You can say we’re all set and ready to go. What we want to showcase is the compassion of Shen Yun performers, bringing it to life through our dance and presenting it to the audience.”
Oliver Perrett, a presenter for Shen Yun, said, “In modern times, it’s very unique to have a show that is completely traditional.”
“Traditional art and music have always carried a divine essence. And I do believe the traditional arts of man come from heaven, from the Creator. That is why I think the music, the art of Shen Yun, as it is created and performed from a traditional perspective, beautifully reflects the divine quality of Shen Yun’s music,” said Yun Chu, a conductor for Shen Yun.
“We believe that traditional culture is inspired by the divine, and that people were created by the divine, so it sparks their inner divinity—it sparks their desire to return to their divine origins and I think a lot of people they’re moved in a way that’s very deep and they don’t fully understand themselves because of that link that people have with traditional culture in the heavens,” said Mr. Perrett.
Fans who came to welcome Shen Yun expressed their gratitude to the artists.
Hélène Tong, a fan of Shen Yun, said, “I know many people like me who want to say thank you to Shen Yun. I’ve seen people leaving the performance and asking, ‘How can I thank them? Where can I reach them?’ They want to express their gratitude. And today, this is what we will be able to do at the airport.”
Michel Scarcella, another fan of Shen Yun, said, “We are truly at peace and feeling great when Shen Yun arrives; it’s perfect. We are fulfilled, present, and dreaming when we leave the performance. And it’s true that it stays with us. … It’s a show that nourishes us throughout the year.”
Shen Yun’s performances in France are consistently marked by sold-out shows, with additional performances added each year to meet demand. In 2025, Shen Yun will bring 88 performances to 12 cities in France to an audience of over 220,000 people. On Jan. 2, Shen Yun’s tour will officially begin in Aix-en-Provence for a six-day run. All eight performances were sold out two months in advance.
NTD News, France
NTD is a proud media sponsor of Shen Yun.