Shen Yun Performing Arts swept audiences away in Milan, Italy, with a magical journey on Jan. 18 and 19. Theatergoers were deeply touched after watching the performance.
“Marvelous. It’s a magical and metaphysical journey, it’s an adventure. You travel with your imagination and you immerse yourself in a distant culture, but one that has many points of contact with ours,” said Pierpaolo Santaromita Villa, a lawyer.
Shen Yun’s performance made Costanza Consorti, a pharmacist, emotional.
“Emotions … in the sense that I felt like crying at times. The colors, the emotions that the artists convey when they dance, they are very engaging.”
“Shivering and goosebumps, it’s really beautiful,” said Mauro Forin, a dentist.
“It’s an exciting journey because we are not used to seeing China in this manner,” said Laura Fontana, a TV author.
Shen Yun’s mission is to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture, presenting it to the world through dance and music.
“It’s an extremely important mission. They are holding on to a vast amount of culture which certainly needs to be passed on to Westerners, who may not know about the culture,” said Ms. Consorti.
“We can enrich ourselves with different cultures. I really enjoyed it,” said Laura Crespi, a former professional dancer.
Theatergoers resonated with the theme of traditional values shown throughout Shen Yun’s performance.
Values that should be with us, according to Luisa Sideri, a lawyer.
“Something we all need, to bring us back even a little bit to our origins, to what we fundamentally are. Because everyday life makes us lose sight of what the values are that should be with us.”
“It was a beautiful rediscovery. Sometimes we get caught up in the frenzy of life, of work, of rhythms and we lose sight of these values. The tenor, the soprano, and the songs they sang brought back this concept of more spirituality, less materialism. It was nice to be able to relive it, to have someone remind me that there are also … to take a moment of calmness and that there are more spiritual values. More important than those surrounding us now,” said Alessia Rossi Espagnet, a manager at Vodafone.
“I enjoyed it from start to finish, I wished it would never end. I heard that next year there will be a show again and I will definitely come back,” she added.
Shen Yun Performing Arts has an all-new program every year, complete with new dances, stories, songs, and music.
“Definitely come see it at least once in your life. It’s very, very interesting and very unique,” said Luca Mazza, CEO of Centro Paghe.
Shen Yun continues its Italy tour in Parma and Udine.
NTD News, Milan, Italy