Shen Yun Performing Arts gave three performances in Schenectady, New York, from Feb. 20 to 21. The performance incorporates classical Chinese dance, music, and costumes in front of an innovative 3D backdrop. The scenes take theatergoers on an immersive journey through 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture.
“It is amazing, it truly is. The animation, the flexibility, the creativity, it was inspiring, it really was. The way they got people to flow in and out of this background of the ocean and sea and pictures and people flow in and out of motion is really pretty spectacular,” said Neil Golub, who is the former CEO of Price Chopper Supermarkets.
“I think it was great, and how they told the stories,” said Duane Bullard, owner of Mobile Sound Unlimited. “It captured the element and it would keep your attention. And it was just one aspect to another and it just kept flowing, it was great.”
“I love it, that there’s movement even when it’s very still, like in the Mongolian scene. The horses’ tails were going and it was very much alive. And I’m amazed at how they jump over the barrier and then into the screen. It’s amazing, the whole production is beautifully done and perfectly coordinated,” said Kent Mikalsen, production designer at Universal Studios.
Shen Yun’s mission is to rekindle China’s rich heritage and traditional values from before communism.
“It’s a good idea for people to understand what other people’s cultures are all about. We, as Westerners, don’t really understand Chinese culture and certainly wish them well,” said Mr. Golub.
“All our cultures have the basic messages that we all need to listen to. It’s a message of love and kindness. Respecting even our humanity when we stumble,” said Constance Morgan, owner of Morgan Constance M Family Therapy.
Shen Yun will be giving six performances in Detroit from Feb. 23 to 27.
NTD News, Schenectady, New York