In Sacramento, Shen Yun returned to the newly-renovated SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center. To celebrate the company’s 15th anniversary, staff from Assemblymember Kevin McCarty’s office presented a resolution acknowledging Shen Yun and wishing for its continued success.
Shen Yun also received two certificates of Special Congressional Recognition from Ro Khanna and Jared Huffman.
For some audience members, it was their first time seeing the performance.
“Music and dance … it’s invigorating. And it’s healing to the soul for me. And I know it is for everybody else,” said Betty Lupe Ramirez, program director at Stockton Media News.
“Everything—the colors, the athletic ability of the dancers. I think the art, the art of the beauty of the bodies, how the bodies move in the air, and it’s just well done—the beautiful storytelling, too,” said Bruce Robinson, owner of Bruce Robinson Photography. “I don’t have enough words to describe everything I’m feeling that brings so much joy. I love the idea that we can open our hearts to ancient cultures and bring them back so that we don’t forget. It’s very important.”
Shen Yun‘s mission is to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture, which was nearly lost after the Cultural Revolution. The performances showcase the rich culture across different dynasties, ethnicities, and folk dances.
“It inspires a person like myself to think it’s possible to do things greater than what I’m normally capable of doing,” said Steven Thompson, owner of Executive Flyers Inc., a concert pianist and opera singer.
“What impresses me the most is that bringing the culture back—I think there’s so many of the cultures around this world that have been suppressed. And when we can bring them back and share it with the world, it’s just wow, what joy,” said Robinson.
“We get so caught up in technology and all that’s new, and I think that sometimes we forget about the ancient side. We have so much, there’s so much intelligence, and the cultures that were meant to be here. It’s magical,” he said.
“This is a spectacular performance, one of the best ever, anywhere. All this performance is especially great and historic to see it during these times,” said Jim Chong, a radio and media host.
“I think it’s important for people to see something like this, to realize that there is a culture and there is a mankind here and that mankind can improve and can get back to its roots. And this is bringing the Chinese roots back, but it also incorporates just mankind and love. Love and compassion and caring about people,” said Larry Avent, owner of Avent Empty Band Sacramento.
“It’s so positive and so beautiful that I love sharing this information about Shen Yun because everybody’s got to come over to watch it because it’s so positive and so healthy,” said Ramirez.
NTD News, Sacramento, California