Local Chinese authorities are turning a blind eye to corruption between their country and Latin America and the Caribbean. The officials could even be reaping benefits from it, according to a recent, investigative article published in a magazine by the U.S. Southern Command.
The paper cites the region’s high rates for violent crime and corruption. Those issues are linked to transnational criminal organizations.
But the paper suggests one group has far more influence there than the rest: Chinese criminal networks.
It outlines four main illegal activities committed by China-based groups over the past decade.
Shipping fentanyl precursors to Mexico, using the “Flying Money” laundering method, convergence or illegally trafficking wildlife alongside other serious crimes, and smuggling illegal Chinese immigrants through Latin America, en route to the United States.
The paper said the evidence does not directly link the Chinese regime to the activity to help fight the crimes, the report offered up several suggestions.
Directing lawmakers in Latin America and the Caribbean to reconsider visa policy for Chinese nationals.
The paper urged Beijing to take down websites that sell fentanyl precursors, block social media platforms that promote illegal migration, and encourage the U.S. to boost police cooperation with the region and use AI to get ahead of traffickers.