Gov. Sanders Criticizes Arkansas Prison Board for ‘Revolving Door’ System, Urges Expansion of Prison Space

NTD Video
By NTD Video
November 17, 2023News Clips

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-Ark.) held a press conference on Friday, along with members of the state legislature, to urge the Board of Corrections to expand prison space.

She criticized the board for rejecting Secretary of Arkansas Department of Corrections Joe Profiri’s request for 500 additional prison beds last week.

“For far too long there has been a revolving door in our state’s prison system,” Ms. Sanders said. “Criminals commit crimes, get sentenced by the court system, and then, because of a shortage of bed space, are let back out on the streets with just a slap on the wrist.”

She urged the board to approve the 500 beds. “We have the space. We have the resources. We have the personnel. All that stands between us and a safer, stronger Arkansas is bureaucratic red tape. It’s time for the Board of Corrections to do what is needed to protect our people.”