Canceled Arts: Chinese Regime Censors US Company in Korea | Special Report

Steve Lance
By Steve Lance
November 14, 2023NTD Original
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It’s no secret that China cracks down on its own dissidents inside the country. But in recent years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seems more willing than ever to ignore international borders as it wields its hammer into other sovereign countries.

And that includes South Korea, an American ally where our parents and grandparents fought and died to keep them free from communism.

There, a U.S.-based dance company is faced with censorship for exposing the persecution of faithful people in China.

Why has CCP infiltration been so successful in South Korea? How is this able to occur under a pro-American president? And what are the consequences for America if Korea becomes a communist country or a de facto ally of the CCP? Join us in South Korea for an exclusive investigation.

“That power runs into every sphere of Korean society. It’s the reality, unfortunately,” says Lee Ji-Yong, professor at the Department of Chinese Studies at KeiMyung University, when telling us about Chinese infiltration in South Korea.

“China, of course, regards South Korea as a vulnerable, weak link in the American encirclement of China,” says Kim Taewoo, senior research fellow at Korea Institute for Military Affairs.

“I worry about that because of just how important South Korea is in stopping the advance of communism. I’m really, really concerned about their infiltration,” says Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.).