Your nose shape reveals a ton about your personality!

Face reading is very common in traditional Chinese culture, it is a way to tell your fortune. You may often hear elderly people say to not change your facial features, or to not get plastic surgery, it is believed that you may ultimately change your fortune.

See what does your eyebrows say about you:

According to the 3,000 year old practice of facial reading, your face can tell the story of the rest of your life. Some say the forehead tells you about your 20’s, the eyes tell you about your 30’s, the nose is 40’s, mouth is 50’s and chin is 60’s. As you gradually go down to your jaw, that area relates to your 70’s.

In Chinese face reading, the nose is regarded as the reflection of your wealth. The MONEY SPOT! Especially during the age of 41 – 50 years old. To break it down even further, the bridge of the nose represents the health whereas the tip represents the wealth.

As a fun fact, a woman’s nose can indicate her husband’s ability to make money.

Of course, this may NOT be 100% accurate as with Chinese zodiacs and Horoscopes, we should all just take it with a grain of salt!

1. Large Nose

If you have a large nose you are considered to be a perfectionist. You get easily bored with systematic work and you like being your own boss. You’re not a big fan of receiving orders and are also very critical of yourself. The upside is that you are very good with other people and your 40’s is or will be a very powerful time for you.

2. Round Nose

If you have a round cushion-y nose, you definitely hit the jackpot! The bigger and meaty it is, the greater luck and wealth you have. You also like to know everything that’s going on. On the other hand, if you have a bulging nose with a bulbous tip, you are considered a indulgent sort of person who likes the finer things in life.

3. Average Nose

If you have an average nose, you are lucky. In fact, the more perfectly shaped the nose is, the more positive your 40’s will be. You are often known as the high achiever!

4. Small Nose

If you have small and petite nose, you are considered a kind and friendly person. You love life and want to settle down and have a family. You can also be quite reserved and shy but you are very detail oriented.

5. Straight Nose

People with straight noses are honest, reliable, disciplined and loyal. They often appear successful but it may not actually be the case.

6. Broad Nose

People with broad and wide noses are known to be spontaneous, extravagant and very social. They can also be quite sensual and sometimes indecisive. They may also have a wide range of hobbies and interests.

7. Cleft Nose

Now for the ones with a cleft nose, they have difficulties in committing to long term relationships, and may also be considered selfish and dishonest.

If you have folds or lines on your nose, then you are considered to be tough, a little hard to please and slightly demanding

8. Eagle Nose

For those who have the eagle nose, they usually think about themselves first, they need to feel respected and important. They like to take advantage of other people or situations.


If your nostrils are not visible from the front, that means you can be good at saving money. The more visible they are, means the more wealth is leaking out.