View From Israeli Missile as It Targets Iranian Military Truck

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
May 12, 2018World News

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A tweet purportedly from the Israeli military shows the shocking moment when a guided missile blows up an enemy anti-aircraft site.

The camera-mounted  missile shows the approach toward a Russian-made SA-22 Greyhound missile truck.

A tweet by @IDFSpokesperson, supposedly the official account of the Israeli Defense Forces, said the mobile missile battery was Iranian, and Israel was retaliating for Iran shelling Israeli military emplacements. 

According to @IDFSpokesperson, Iranian military installations throughout Syria were targeted.

“The IDF struck an SA22 aerial interception system as part of a wide-scale attack against Iranian military sites in Syria,” said the twitter feed.

“The IDF strikes were a response to the rockets that were launched by the Iranian Quds Forces against IDF positions on the Golan Heights & the Syrian aerial defense fire at IAF aircraft.

“Iran is actively conducting its military activities beyond its borders, which not only is a threat to Israel, but to the Middle East as a whole.” 

Images on Twitter showed a variety of Iranian military targets in Syria, which came under Israeli attack in response to the Iranian missile launches.








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