17 House Lawmakers Vote Against Condemning QAnon
Seventeen congressmen on Friday voted against a House resolution condemning QAnon, an anonymous online persona which is believed, at least in part, by more than half of Republicans in the United States, according to one poll.
NTD Evening News Full Broadcast (Aug. 25)
Republican National Convention speakers highlight the challenges and progress the country is facing in the area of racial equality, two U.S. Representatives from both sides of the aisle introduced a resolution to condemn conspiracy theory QAnon, and more buildings and property were set ablaze during another night of rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Facebook Bans Antifa, Violence-Inciting Militia Organizations, and QAnon
Facebook has removed thousands of groups, pages, and ads related to Antifa, other violent-inciting militia organizations, and pages and groups related to QAnon from the social media platform. “For militia organizations and those encouraging riots, including some who may identify as Antifa, we’ve initially removed over 980 groups, 520 pages and 160 ads from Facebook,” […]