Shen Yun Performing Arts gave its second performance in Birmingham UK on Jan. 4, and despite the winter weather and snowy forecast, audience members said they felt “warm inside” from the beauty of the performance.
“It was excellent. Very, very impressed. Choreography was superb, the costumes were excellent, and it’s just lovely to see such a wonderful cultural performance,” said Stuart Cheatle, a former finance director.
“Very spectacular, and heart-warming,” said Wayne Bowman, a senior digital designer.
“I feel warm inside! I feel quite motivated and mindful. It’s been quite therapeutic,” said Jan Phillips, a consultant.
Shen Yun Performing Arts is an artistic revival and celebration of China’s 5,000 thousand years of cultural heritage. However, under the communist regime much of this rich culture has been destroyed.
The former finance director said it’s one of the reasons he brought his daughters and himself to see Shen Yun.
“It was quite a nice way of telling the story of the history of China and there’s a little bit of the politics of how it’s gone now and how they should really look back to their roots and the culture that is thousands and thousands of years old.”
Mr. Bowman agreed.
“There’s a lot that’s been lost in modern day China and it’s good to revive and see the ancient traditions that could have been lost,” he said.
The performance brings classical Chinese dance to the stage along with folk and ethnic dance styles. It includes a full orchestra and traditional bel canto singers.
“I love the interpretation of the dance and the choreography with the music. And the costumes are amazing. I love it. I was transfixed!” said Ms. Phillips.
“I actually closed my eyes when the tenor was on, only to be nudged by one of my daughters saying ‘You have to read the words that it says there.’ I was just listening to how beautiful it was,” said Mr. Cheatle.
Many audience members said they recommend that everyone see Shen Yun at least once in their lifetime.
“I’d definitely say it’s a must-see show. If they have the opportunity to come along and see it then they should. It’s just something different,” said Mr. Cheatle.
“It’s amazing, you’ve got to go and see it!” said Ms. Phillips.
Shen Yun’s tour of cities across the UK is set to continue until March 6.
NTD News, Birmingham UK
NTD News is a proud media sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts