Shen Yun Performing Arts captivated audiences in Houston, Texas, on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. The performance brings China’s 5,000 years of traditional culture to life on stage.
“It’s very energetic. … You can feel the power of their dance and what they want to represent and show the audience,” said Nancy Roman, the CEO of a health care company. “You feel like they’re just floating in the air.”
“The kindness that was shown … I really appreciated that in the different dances and scenes where love was rising higher than anything else,” said Melinda de Bord, a former church pastor.
“Incredible artistry, incredible athleticism. And I can’t imagine all the hard work that these folks put in to make this happen,” said Jim Rostohar, a chief knowledge officer at NASA.
“I think the most surprising was the 3D background. … It was timeless. It was done perfectly in time,” said Dan de Bord, a former software consultant.
Theatergoers applauded Shen Yun for offering the chance to experience China as it was before the rise of Communism.
“I think that it is something that everybody should see,” said Brian Wright, a safety specialist. “I think that it is a wonderful piece of artistic work that also showcases the beauty of China while bringing to light some of the political aspects that need to be shown.”
“I just think that [Shen Yun] are doing a great job. Dancing, performing with a lot of feeling and a lot of passion,” said Roman.
“It’s wonderful. I feel bad that I didn’t come before and will always come anytime they come through Houston,” said Michael Luchak, a scientist. “Don’t miss the chance to come and see the show. It’s beyond wonderful and certainly divine.”
Shen Yun will be performing at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, California, from Jan. 3 through Jan. 5.
NTD News, Houston, Texas.
NTD News is a proud media sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts.