Shen Yun completed three full-house performances in Honolulu, Hawaii, with standing ovations each time.
“I actually felt goosebumps,” said Terese Cooley, an audiologist. “I loved the storylines. I loved the music. I loved the bright colors. I loved how they can jump into the screen. I loved everything about it.”
“I could never catch a dull moment. I was always trying to figure out which way to go, watch who to see, what to look at. It’s very beautiful,” said Janelle Castillero, a U.S. Army Operations assistant commanding officer.
“I think it was wonderful, I was very impressed with the skill of the actors, and the whole ambiance was great. It was great to come to something after all this COVID lockdown for two years, and it was amazing,” said Alexei Fainblout, a U.S. Army major.
Shen Yun’s goal is to revive a five millennia-old culture that was nearly lost after the Cultural Revolution. Audience members found that mission significant.
“The traditional buildings are getting replaced by modernized technology and architecture, and not realizing how and where they come from,” said Castillero. “So I think it’s very important for shows like this to keep producing every year, especially [since] they said that every year there’s a different storyline, which is going to be really interesting because next year [we’re] going to come again to see what stories [they] have. I think it’s very important for especially kids to see outside of the internet, on global, googling all that stuff, on books, for them to actually see it in real life. For me, it’s very important.”
“It’s something that really embraces our full, you know, all our senses, and we get a chance to enjoy that experience for the period of time that we’re watching it,” said Eliot Kalmanson, a lawyer. “It’s a great opportunity to really just get out and enjoy the different music and dancing.”
NTD News, Honolulu, Hawaii