Shen Yun Performing Arts successfully closed the curtain in Purchase, New York, from April 18 to 21, performing five sold-out shows. The company revealed 5,000 years of Chinese beauty, culture, and history, leaving theatergoers in awe of the production.
Tom Shillue, TV host of Fox News Saturday Night and author, said: “There’s a lot of great energy in the show, and you can see that the performers are so committed. They’re very disciplined, but there’s such beauty in the movement and in the set and all the colors. It’s great. It’s great to watch.”
Suzi Oppenheimer, a former New York state senator, said: “The kind of work that you put in to create this is breathtaking. It really is. I am just so pleased to be here. Not only tonight, I’ll be here next year and the year after. And it’s just a wonderful, wonderful production.”
Shen Yun’s mission is to revive traditional culture and values, including spirituality—something deeply rooted in ancient Chinese history. It also shines a light on communist China’s persecution of faith.
Mr. Shillue added: “I was inspired to see all these people working together. And I love the traditional elements of it, seeing old China and a lot of the traditional disciplines. But also, I think the thing that moved me the most was the modern scene between the brother and the sister. And we had—it was very dark. It was a very dark moment, but it ended with a scene of hope. And, you know, just to see that—it had many traditional elements to it, but it was highlighting the religious persecution that goes on today.”
Michael Centrone, a music journalist, said: “It’s interesting to see a different take on traditional Chinese culture as opposed to communist China. It’s sort of a brave perspective, especially in modern times … the atmosphere that we’re living in today. So, I give them a lot of credit for just giving a spotlight on their traditional culture.”
Ms. Oppenheimer said: “It’s very sad that the Chinese people can’t see it in their own country. Because they should be so proud of this, of the traditions that you bring forth. And I just hope they stay alive in China, you know. And that there’ll be a time when you can live your history out in the open.”
Audience members also highlighted values like truth, compassion, and peace.
Frank Pedagno, former vice president of operations of American Express, said: “I perceive that we need to have more compassion. We need to have more peace in the world. It’s a very timely message, especially now with all the conflict and uncertainty going on in the world.”
Rabbi Jon Haddon of Congregation Beth David, said: “Truth, caring, compassion, warmth, feeling. All the values that I try to teach in my own life, and try to live by in my own life. So I find this very moving.”
Giselle Delphonse, director of residential services at On Your Mark, Inc., said: “The message here today was: remember where you come from, remember your traditions, but always remember that love and peace and unity and wanting happiness is very important. You know, everybody has a different definition of it, but it was really, really, really impactful.”
Shen Yun will next perform in Newark, New Jersey, from April 25 to 28.
NTD News, Purchase, New York