Rescue Dog Leads Police to Injured 84-Year-Old Owner, Saving His Life

Wim De Gent
By Wim De Gent
October 4, 2024US News
Rescue Dog Leads Police to Injured 84-Year-Old Owner, Saving His Life
A police car in a file photo. (Mira Oberman/AFP/Getty Images)

A 13-year-old rescue dog has saved the life of her 84-year-old owner after leading a deputy to the injured man, police said.

On Sept. 25, Deputy Wright of the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office in Washington state was out patrolling a rural wooded area when he noticed a dog sitting in the middle of the road, a black and white border collie.

The officer got out of his vehicle but didn’t see anyone around. He then tried to get the dog into his car, but the animal refused, according to an Oct. 1 statement from the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office.

Wright proceeded to check the residences in the surrounding area, hoping to find the dog’s owner, but to no avail.

“Sensing something amiss, Wright went back to the dog which was now laying on the centerline of the road,” police said.

“He tried to get the dog off the roadway, and it took off up a slightly travelled [sic], unmarked roadway. Wright followed the animal, and it led him to a small summer cabin,” authorities continued.

There, Wright found the dog’s owner lying outside after he’d injured his leg. The 84-year-old man had other medical conditions that required regular medications.

“He had laid there for hours and may have had serious consequences if he had not been found,” police said.

It turns out that the man’s dog, Gita, is “a 13-year-old rescue dog and best friend of the gentleman in trouble,” according to Steven County Sheriff’s Office.

“We credit Gita for saving his life that day. The loyalty and heroism of our furry friends never cease to amaze us.”

People commented on the Sheriff’s Office Facebook page, praising the two rescuers.

“Deputy Wright sounds like an amazing asset to our department,” someone wrote. “Thank you to him for following his gut and taking the time to investigate.”

“AMAZING!!! I never understand when people tell me they don’t like dogs,” another comment read. “They are the best companions and show us love in such wonderful ways!”

Last April, an Akita named Hero saved his 61-year-old owner’s life in Canada after the man had fallen into a ditch in a field and was unable to move. For two days, the aptly named dog stayed with his owner, kept him warm, and fended off coyotes through the cold Alberta nights, eventually alerting a passerby.

In June, a spry whippet named Blue ran 4 miles to get help after his owner crashed his truck in a ravine in Baker County, Oregon, saving the man’s life and the two other dogs who were with him and were also injured.