People Puzzled by Sight of Crashed Star Wars X-wing Craft in British Town—Here’s What Happened

Petr Svab
By Petr Svab
March 31, 2018World News


Citizens of Doncaster, England, were recently treated to a puzzling sight—it appeared to be a crash site of small aircraft, specifically a spitting image of the X-Wing starfighter from the “Star Wars” movies.


The 21-foot craft looked battered and was sitting stationary in a field with a trench running behind it, suggesting a rather rough landing.


Soon, a crowd of people started to congregate, trying to figure out what was going on.


Then, lights on the outside of the craft suddenly started to flash, making people jump back.


That is how the situation was described by a local resident, Richard Butler, 65.

Richard Butler. (SWNS)

He knew a thing or two about the mysterious craft and approached the crowd to explain.

For the past year, Butler worked with his youngest son, Prince, 15, on a very special project. So far it has cost over $1,100, but the result is impressive—a life-sized replica of a T-65 X-wing starfighter with the AA-589 designation, the ship piloted by Luke Skywalker in the original “Star Wars” movie trilogy.

“I’m really pleased with the way it has turned out—I’ve built a lot of other things including Daleks [mutant androids from the ‘Doctor Who’ television series]—but all the grand kids absolutely love to ride in it when they come to visit,” Butler said.

Retired actor, Ricky Butler, 65, and his son, Prince, 15, with a full-scale model of an X-Wing fighter. (SWNS)

Butler, a retired actor, said he’d be eventually willing to sell the creation.

“It needs to be seen to be believed—every man has his price and I would be willing to sell it to the highest bidder,” he said. “However, for the moment, the grandkiddies are still having too much fun.

“Maybe later in the year I shall see if a buyer is available.”


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