Orange County couple awed by divinely inspired Shen Yun performance

World renowned classical Chinese dance company Shen Yun is currently performing in Costa Mesa, California.

Among the attendees of the April 6 performance was John Rauch, the president of a product promotion company, and his wife Donna Pallette.

Pallette had seen the show last year and looked forward to coming for a second time.

“It’s absolutely fabulous. I’ve seen one before and each time it’s different and more expansive,” she said. “I’ve looked forward to this. I saw the show a year ago and I thought I just have to go back because I know it changes every year. It’s well worth it.”

Rauch saw the show for the first time and gave it a rave.

“I was especially impressed by the animation. How the figures were jumping out of the background and suddenly they appeared on stage,” he said. “It’s a beautiful dance. Beautiful costuming. Beautiful choreography. But much more than that, it’s a very ethereal, deep explanation of the history of Chinese culture. So I found it very enjoyable.”

The couple resonated with the divinely inspired aspects of Chinese culture displayed through the beauty of dance.

“It ties in with my own faith that we just have a limited time and that we could get distracted by the things of this world. And they’re sharing that message, that we have little time. We need to value that time and look for the divine,” said Pallette.

“I did learn that ancient peoples had a very fine appreciation of the true meaning and depth of life beyond just the physical realm. And it is unfortunate that some more modern governments refuse to recognize that,” said Rauch.

“My takeaway is that we all have something to learn from the supernatural and from beauty and truth, and not just the everyday events of life. I would describe the whole thing as a very spiritual, ethereal experience that teaches us that beauty and truth and art are something to be prized beyond the everyday existence,” he said.

Shen Yun will be performing next in Seattle, Washington.