Japan Travel – Todaiji Temple Nara (Video)

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 19, 2018Hallyu World

It is said that this city is where Japan’s many national treasures are stored.It is a spiritual hometown for Japanese people.Devoted believers pray wholeheartedly.In this atmosphere, one feels immersed in peace and tranquility.What’s the name of this town?

What’s the story behind Todaiji temple, the world’s largest wooden structure?

Most of today’s Todaiji is the original structure built by Chōgen. The Nandaimon Gate is a five-bay pavilion style structure. Its beams and columns are wedged in ways to ensure stability and endurance.
Overall, it is grand yet simple.

One of the amazing facts of this ancient Buddha Hall is that Not one nail was used in building the structure. The wooden pieces fit perfectly so that no fasteners are needed. The incredible craftsmanship of ancient builders still amazes us today! There is also a peculiar structure
Underneath the karahafu-gable high above the Buddha, hall rests a small window.

From the Great Buddha Hall, take a walk in the surrounding park, we see quaint and charming road signs.Todaiji’s large bell is another one of Nara’s eight famous attractions. The bell tower is built with elements of Japan, Tang China, and ancient India. Its grandeur is more closely felt as you come near it.

The upper level of Nigatsu-dō Hall is supported by many pillars from below, making this “hanging” style quite an architectural spectacle. The upper level of the Hall overlooks the beautiful Nara Park. Unlike the southern stairs, the northern stairs are covered with a roofing. It serves as the designated stairs for 11 special monks during ceremonies.

If you are coming to Nara to visit, One of the top attractions is these cute deer. In Japan, deer represent messengers of heavenly gods. In ancient Japan, killing deer was punishable by decapitation
Nowadays, more than 1,500 deer live and roam freely in Nara Park.

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