NTD Beauty Pageant Announces 40 Finalists

NTD Beauty Pageant Announces 40 Finalists

After rounds of screening and interviews, 40 candidates have advanced in NTD’s first Global Chinese Beauty Pageant, and will have the chance to go to New York for the live competition.

The pageant aims to promote the aesthetic values found in traditional Chinese culture. It also pushes for a return to pure beauty.

Beyond appearance, NTD’s pageant places a great emphasis on inner beauty. Contestants will be judged on five essential values: morality, righteousness, propriety, benevolence, and faithfulness.

One of the pageants’ honorary advisory board members says they hope the event gives young women a chance to show case their true beauty.

“We really show people how beautiful we are by showing acts of love,” said Jim Chandler, a film producer. “Because there can be somebody who may not have the same aesthetics as somebody else, but who has such a beautiful spirit that you can’t help but be attracted to them. And it isn’t because of their outward appearance. It’s because of what they have inside their soul—their spirituality, their kindness, their gentleness, their peace.”

The winner will be crowned Miss NTD and travel around the world to promote the essence of traditional aesthetic values.

The final competition will be held in late September, inside SUNY purchase college in upstate new york. The grand finals will also showcase evening gowns designed exclusively by a fashion line called Shen Yun Dancer.

Tickets will be available for purchase soon, and information can be found on MissNTD.org.