Kind Traffic Cop Holds up Motorists on Busy Road to Get Stray Dog to Safety

NTD Video
By NTD Video
July 27, 2024Viral Videos

This is the heartwarming moment a kind traffic cop stopped traffic on a busy road to get a stray dog to safety.

Footage shows the animal lover guiding the white pooch across the highway.

The officer whistled and motioned to the approaching cars and riders to stop so he could take the creature to the other side of the road.

Onlooker Jaruwan Thansopawan was moved when she saw the incident while walking along a nearby footbridge.

‘The policeman did not hesitate to help the dog. It was confused and scared maybe because of the loud sounds from the cars,” she said.

Jaruwan added that the act of kindness caused congestion for a few minutes.

“There was a slight delay but it was worth it. The dog was safe now, and it’s all that’s important,” she said.

The dog was later taken to a nearby animal shelter.

Video footage shot in Dinso Road, Thailand, on Nov. 8, 2022.