Japan Ice Rink Freezes Dead Fish in Ice, Faces Criticism

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 28, 2016Only in Asia

A Japanese ice rink has come under fire for its unorthodox display of dead fish under skater’s feet. The ice rink in question is at the Space World Park, in the southern city of Kitakyushu, where skaters can glide over 5000 frozen fish of all shapes and sizes, kind of like skating over an Asian fish market. It has caused an online outcry, with Space World’s Facebook page now logging over 300 1 star reviews, and displaying a slew of angry comments.

For Example:

While in this world with over-fishing, still, “Space World” freezes over 5000 fish, and watches the poor fish freeze and die in the ice-cold water.”

Absolutely disgusted with the killing of 5000 fish for your “entertainment”. Horrifying.”