Georgia Witness Testimony: Alex Cruce

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 24, 2020Latest Clips

Over 40 witnesses spoke to the media at Cobb Country Republican Party Headquarters in Georgia on Dec. 9, 10, 13, and 14. They presented evidence of election irregularities and fraud they had collected during the 2020 election ballot counts and recount. Some of them did not get the chance to give their testimonies in person, but sent their video testimonies or did a video interview online.

Alex Cruce obtained election data from the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, publicly accessible on their website, and in his analysis found things that were troubling.

It started when a neighbor of his checked on the MyVoter registrar to see the status of her ballot and found it was completely grayed out, and an inquiry to the Secretary of State’s office yielded no responses.

“Stories begin to multiply and I discovered that there was open access to see what was going on with absentee ballots and early voting. In a period of two weeks, I watched one of my neighbors, who was a dear friend, break down in tears. She’d been cheated. In between taking care of two rambunctious little boys while working out of her home due to COVID, she went over to Northside Library in Fulton County. She voted. She thought she did. Everything went smooth. Nobody stopped her. She was proud to be an American that day. The problem is that a vote was not counted. Her MyVoter page was grayed out. From the data that I downloaded, I looked up knowing that I’d found my name and I’d had been counted. I find her name in the same way, but nothing.”

“There’s not a trace. There’s not even her name, not a C [canceled], not an A [accepted], not an R [rejected], nothing,” he said. “She’s been an active voter for the past 15 years living in Fulton County in the same house for 15 years.”

“Another story here with Donna Vogel, 90 years old, her late husband fought bravely for this country in World War II, fought in the Battle of Iwo Jima. But she’s something else as well. She’s a trailblazer. While living in Indiana, she was one of the first female disc jockeys. But it’s hard to get that out of her because she’s humble and she loves God above all else,” he said.

“Donna received five absentee ballots applications. She sent one of them in, thinking that she had voted for the country, for the President of the United States,” Cruce said. “But then my wife started to be concerned so she started reaching out to her friends.”

His wife and Donna were in the same Bible study group, so she pulled up Donna’s name online to check her ballot status.

“She was not there either. No trace. So now Donna, 90 years old, heartbroken,” he said. “Considering the dangers of COVID, she’s going to vote in person on Jan. 5, for the Senate race.”

“I went from watching somebody to cry to bringing me to tears. This is a woman that’s been in this country for 90 years. She’s broke barriers. Her husband fought in foreign war, and she reaches out to the Secretary of State and nothing. They don’t know what to tell her,” he said.

“And this is only a few statistics that I chose to look at. There’s for so many more,” he said.

“It’s extremely heartbreaking,” he said. “I’ve thought about this a lot, and I like to think that if this was the shoes on the other foot, would I be strong enough to recognize what is right and wrong. I think that this is definitely wrong. I see people that I’ve been friends with I’ve known for a long time. … they feel cheated and it’s horrible. It’s a horrible feeling. I can only imagine.”