Freedom Rally in Washington State

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 15, 2020NTD News Today

In Mossyrock, Washington, people gathered to address election irregularities and the state’s lockdown rules.

Among the crowd were a number of members from the Washington 3%, a constitutional conservative non-profit organization. According to them, the election needs further investigation.

“We have multiple counties here in Washington state that reported a voter turnout higher than the actual amount of registered voters. That’s eyebrow-raising. It doesn’t necessarily mean we had a stolen election but it’s abnormal and it needs to be looked at,” said Erik Rohde.

Another member of the event, real estate broker and investor Michelle Lee, criticized Youtube’s new rule which removes content that alleges voter fraud might have taken place in the 2020 election. “That’s taking away our First Amendment rights. I came from a communist country. I’m not gonna stop speaking, for this country is now my country and I have to protect it. Where am I gonna go after that?”

Last month, Mossyrock’s city’s council voted unanimously to not adhere to the governor’s ban on indoor dining. Instead, the city opened up its restaurants.

“We feel that he is not following the constitution of Washington state and the federal. So with that, last month we passed an ordinance within the city. And I believe we are the first city in the state of Washington to do that,” said Mayor Randall Sasser.

Although the participants at the event were clearly frustrated about election irregularities, social media censorship, and arbitrary lockdown measures, the event remained peaceful.

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