Why did the salmon cross the road?

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 12, 2016Entertainment News
Why did the salmon cross the road?

So why did the salmon cross the road? There is a river where the salmon are swimming up and down. It’s spawning time, so time couldn’t be any better for the annual salmon run to take place, and there would be nothing unusual about this, if all this wouldn’t take place – of all places – in the middle of a cross-country asphalted land road!

For some reasons, in this clip, a river has decided to cross the land road by flowing right across the busy road. Obviously, this seems to take place not too often, since the road could otherwise have no chance against the erosion.

Enjoy watching this video, where the salmon have found a perfect coexistence – going up and down across the land road – with cars passing slowly by. Take a close look how nobody gets injured, or even annoyed in this unusual video clip of salmons crossing this car road.

Guess they just needed to get to the other side.