Explosion at UPS Facility in Kentucky, Injuries Reported

Jack Phillips
By Jack Phillips
May 30, 2018US News

NTD Photo

A large explosion reportedly hit a UPS vehicle maintenance facility in Kentucky, leaving two injured, but not critically.

Officials said that those who were injured were taken to a nearby hospital. Six others were transported to the hospital as a precaution, Fox News reported.

Officials said that it was likely an accident, not intentional.

The Lexington Fire Department tweeted: “Nothing leads us to believe this is anything other than an accidental explosion. The building has been evacuated and everyone is accounted for. We will remain on the scene for several hours investigating and making sure the area is safe.”

Lt. Jessica Bowman, the fire department’s public information officer, told CNN that the building is used for trailer and truck maintenance.

“There was significant damage to the building. A large area of the roof was blown out and interior walls were knocked down, as well as exterior damage. There’s pieces of the roof and insulation on the ground,” Bowman told CNN. “There is no life hazard. Crews are on the scene stabilizing the building.”

Eight people received medical attention following the blast, Wells said. Two people taken to the hospital suffered from burns and possible concussions, and six others in the vicinity of the explosion were taken to the hospital for observation as a precaution, Wells said.

Fire officials initially said about a dozen people received medical attention. Lexington fire department spokeswoman Bowman said the building’s structural stability was being checked as part of an effort to determine what happened and how.

Businesses near the site reported a loud explosion shortly before 8 a.m. EDT. Emergency crews rushed to the scene and restricted access to the area. The blast was felt inside other buildings.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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