Defense Policy Changes in the Indo-Pacific in Response to Rising Tensions Over Taiwan: A GTI Event

NTD Video
By NTD Video
March 6, 2023NTD Live
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The tension in the Taiwan strait and the surrounding area continuously escalated in 2022. Most of the attention was drawn to dangerous military operations made by the Chinese communist regime and responses from the United States in the area. Less was paid to the efforts that countries in the Indo-Pacific region have made.

In a discussion held from 9:30 a.m. ET on March 6 by Global Taiwan Institute, former U.S. assistant secretary of defense, Lieutenant General Wallace “Chip” Gregson; associate political scientist at the RAND Corporation, Dr. Naoko Aoki; and professor at De La Salle University, Manila, Renato Cruz De Castro will talk about how the countries in the region address the threat from communist China.