Conservatives Need Their Own ’Hollywood,’ Social Media, Entertainment That Are ‘Uncancelable:’ Robby Starbuck–CPAC Texas

Brendon Fallon
By Brendon Fallon
July 24, 2021Wide Angle

“I was at the height of my career. I was turning down jobs … from major artists major … Oscar-winning actors, actresses. And I knew, if I’m blacklisted at this point, it sends a message that this isn’t about talent … This is about politics!”

Director, producer, and House candidate for Tennessee, Robby Starbuck, experienced first hand how Hollywood “shifted” against conservatives with the advent of the Trump presidency, he told The Wide Angle at CPAC Texas.

“Hollywood was gonna treat us very different after that … We’ve seen what happens—you’re essentially blacklisted from everything.”

It’s not about “changing Hollywood,” Starbuck says. “They don’t want you at the table—period,” he says. So, his solution is to create an “alternative ecosystem that is able to compete with Hollywood,” where conservative views can’t be cancelled.

Hosted by NTD journalist Brendon Fallon, Wide Angle is following the latest political developments in the United States and abroad, and finding the connection between these and the larger global trends of our times.

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