China in Focus Full Broadcast (June 3)

Four in five U.S. police or fire department officers use drones from a Chinese military company. Lawmakers fear the devices could send live imagery of U.S. military installations to China. What’s stopping them from ousting the drones from American skies?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is accusing Beijing of “working hard to prevent” countries from going to a peace summit. But which world leaders are being pressured to stay away?

China arrests two citizens accused of spying for Britain. The case is part of a series of allegations tied to high-level espionage by China and Britain.

Former President Donald Trump is now on TikTok, an app he once called a national security threat and tried to ban when he was in office. What made him join the app?

  1. Lawmakers’ Push for DJI Drone Ban Faces Obstacles
  2. Chinese Group Looks to Buy Drone-Jamming Gear for Russia
  3. Zelenskyy: China Leveraging Against Peace Summit
  4. Beijing Accuses Chinese Couple of Spying for UK
  5. U.S., China Present Opposing Indo-Pacific Strategies
  6. ‘Massive Capital Flight’ If Yuan Floats Free: Expert
  7. Trump Joins TikTok, Wins 4.2M Followers in About One Day
  8. ATC Denies Booth to Doctors Exposing CCP’s Organ Harvest
  9. NTD Hosting International Martial Arts Competition