High levels of cancer-causing metals were spotted in fake goods from China. Plus, a list of fake Chinese knockoffs was seized by U.S. customs authorities.
Actress Nicole Kidman’s new series gets banned inside Hong Kong, despite being filmed in the city.
Chinese-owned TikTok is set to lose thousands of songs from major artists, including Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.
A Chinese billionaire suddenly quit his executive role at a top Chinese investment bank. How is Beijing involved?
- High Levels of Lead Found in Fake Chinese Goods
- Nicole Kidman’s New Show Isn’t Available in Hong Kong
- TikTok Loses Songs from Taylor Swift, Drake, Others
- CCP Controls Every Organization in China: Van Fleet
- China Censoring Criticism of Struggling Economy
- Chinese Stocks Tumble Alongside Panic Selling
- Chinese Tycoon Resigns After Going Missing for a Year
- Apple Forecast iPhone Sales Drop Because of China
- CCP Advisor Calls for ‘Respect’ to Defend Hegemony
- Taiwan Launches Simulated Drills Amid China Threat
- China Tells Ukraine to Remove Firms from Blacklist