CCP’s Great Firewall ‘Stamping Out Anything That Diverges From the Party Line’: House CCP Committee Chairman

NTD Video
By NTD Video
July 23, 2024News Clips

“With an army of censors boosted by artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technology, [the Great Firewall] monitors all information and expression within China, rapidly stamping out anything that diverges from the party line,” said Rep. John Moolenaar (R-Mich.), chair of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.

The committee held a hearing Tuesday morning titled “The Great Firewall and the CCP’s Export of its Techno-Authoritarian Surveillance State.” Witnesses included Nat Kretchun, senior vice president for programs at the Open Technology Fund; Zack Cooper, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute; and Xiao Qiang, founder and editor-in-chief of the China Digital Times