Archery Hunter Attacked by Grizzly Bear in Idaho Forest, Officials Say

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
September 5, 2024US News
Archery Hunter Attacked by Grizzly Bear in Idaho Forest, Officials Say
A grizzly bear and a cub along the Gibbon River in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., on April 29, 2019. (Frank van Manen/The United States Geological Survey via AP)

An Idaho archery hunter was attacked by a grizzly bear on Sept. 1, while hunting elk with a friend. The man was knocked down and bitten during the encounter but survived the attack, according to officials.

The incident occurred west of Henrys Lake in Island Park, which lies approximately 15 miles west of Yellowstone National Park, according to a statement by Idaho Fish and Game.

Idaho Fish and Game said that both men were able to deter the attack by the adult male grizzly bear using their sidearms to shoot the bear and kill the animal.

“The hunters were able to call 911 and the injured individual was transported by helicopter to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center where he is being treated for non-life-threatening injuries,” the statement said.

The scene was attended by officials from the service in coordination with the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, and Emergency Medical Service teams.

The officials then conducted a thorough investigation, by which it was determined that the men shot the bear at close range in self-defense.

“I am extremely grateful that both of these individuals survived this encounter,” says Fish and Game Regional Supervisor Matt Pieron in the statement.

“I have had the opportunity to speak with the injured hunter and his family and they are truly wonderful people. I wish him a speedy recovery from his injuries and the trauma these two hunters experienced.”

In the statement, Idaho Fish and Game, whose mission is to protect, preserve, perpetuate, and manage Idaho’s wildlife resources, reminded hunters that grizzly bears are protected under State and Federal law and may be encountered in north Idaho and the Greater Yellowstone areas.

“It is illegal to harm, harass or kill these bears, except in cases of self-defense or the defense of others,” U.S. Fish and Wildlife stated on its website.

Idaho Fish and Game issued a list of things to keep in mind when hunting in areas where grizzly bears may be encountered.

Those venturing in the area are advised to never hunt alone, always carry bear spray, and keep it readily accessible.

Hunters are also advised to coordinate with each other and look for any signs of grizzly bears, such as fresh tracks. Moreover, meat should be retrieved as quickly as possible and hung at least 200 yards from camp and 10 feet off the ground, along with any other food and garbage.

Since most attacks occur when hunters inadvertently surprise a bear at close range, they are advised to make lots of noise while hunting, particularly in areas with thick vegetation and around creeks.