Acne, PCOS, and hormonal skin issues anyone? I’ve been suffering from these skin issues for more than 16 years, and so I wanted to share the fundamental steps that changed it all around after years of trial and error. This video is sponsored by Isntree, one of our favorite K-beauty skincare brands. So I’ll definitely be sharing my skincare system/non-negotiables. But we all know skincare is only one part of the whole story, so this is my complete skincare system, inside-out. Thankfully, they’re all very easy principles to follow, because I’m a typically lazy gal, and so if I can do it, you can too! I’d love to hear your acne/hormonal issues below, because it should be something we can all learn about from each other, and I wish I had someone tell me I wasn’t alone when I was younger!
5 Things That Transformed My Hormonal Acne | Skincare, Food, and More!
By Felicia Lee